Comprehensive psychological Assessments in Palo alto, ca

Have concerns about multiple aspects of your child’s functioning? Not sure where to start?

Maybe it seems like your child has a few symptoms of a learning disability, ADHD, depression, anxiety or autism, but doesn’t fit neatly into one of those categories. Or perhaps there are some other challenges or mental health conditions you’re worried about, such as:

  • Not finishing tests on time

  • Sudden drops in academic performance

  • Executive functioning difficulties

  • Irritability/behavior problems at home

  • Appearing out of touch with reality

  • Social isolation

  • Suicidal thoughts or statements

  • Giftedness/twice exceptionality (2e)

  • Intellectual disability

  • Bipolar disorder

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Psychosis and Schizophrenia

  • Gender identity/Gender Dysphoria

What Happens During a Neuropsychological Assessment or Psychoeducational evaluation?

The first step in figuring out how to support your child is having an accurate understanding of their strengths and challenges. Many areas of your child’s functioning are assessed – verbal skills, reasoning, memory, processing speed, attention, executive functioning, memory, reading, writing, math, behavior, mood, anxiety, social skills, and more. This deep look at your child’s cognitive, academic, and social-emotional development gives us rich information about what your child needs to succeed. 

It is my goal to provide you with a clear diagnosis and create a plan to help your child thrive.

Learn more about the evaluation process or schedule a free consultation below.

Where Do Your Psychological Evaluations in Palo Alto Take Place?

My office is located at 630 University Avenue, Suite A, Palo Alto, California 94301. I serve Palo Alto and the surrounding areas between San Francisco and San Jose—including San Mateo, Redwood City, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Menlo Park and Los Altos.